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Reg. Tribunale Lecce n. 662 del 01.07.1997
Direttore responsabile: Dario Cillo



An overview from  the WWW, for promoting digital literacy on the “BIO- POLLUTION & GMOs”

By Paolo Manzelli  <LRE@EGO-CreaNET>; <>


        Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): are those that have had their genome modified artificially by genetic engineering. Transgenic crops are based on the development of bio-technology applied for realising new foods production or foods that show some new genetic characters. 

        Bio-pollution – hence is considered a redundant escape of transgenic organisms production which then interbreed with other natural organisms resulting in wild progeny which may contain some characteristics of the transgenic attributes (like resistance to weed-killers or to certain antibiotics)


The Bio-pollution is a major concern of opponents to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food chain. In fact Consumer Associations in Europe note that  GMOs is suspected to create as yet unknown health risks both to humans and to natural environment.  

The most evident problem in relation to the “Bio-Pollution” is that  “once genetically modified organisms have been introduced into the environment, they can't be recalled. Consequently our bio-technological power has outstripped our understanding of natural living system evolution. So that the essential trouble is that we can  loss our cognitive control on the nature” .

This is a huge recent problem  that need to be understood more clearly that it will be possible; so that is important to promote and diffuse digital literacy about the relationship of GMOs  and Bio-pollution for improving cultural democracy in Europe

-Synthesis of fundamental questions on BIO-Pollution and GMO’s take out a WWW research using GOOGLE Engine.

- What's the difference between cross-breeding and genetic engineering?

In nature, the distinct boundaries between species are observed. So a GMOs can cross the DNA with a different variety of plant and/or  animal genetics. In fact Genetic engineering, allows artificially the blending of genes from different species… also with human genes. So fish genes can be inserted into tomatoes, insect genes into potatoes, human genes into pig …and worse.

In truth, cross-breeding of plants of the same, or related, species has been a part of conventional agriculture for many hundreds of years. Example, the tomato, which is a crop that has been cross-bred so many times over the past 500 years that it scarcely resembles the original one.

To day GMO’s of various crops are produced on a  massive scale, never existed in nature before.Therefore, can be easy understood that genetically altered seeds can migrate into neigh boring fields and cross-pollinate, threatening the future of wild crops, genetically natural crops and organic foods. on a large scale into the food supply, some fear that antibiotics could be rendered useless in fighting diseases.

The problem is that we don't know that these plants won't cross-breed with wild/weed plants to create super weeds. Hence we don't know in a long-term escalation if bio-pollution will generate  health effects on plants and animals or on humans  ????????

Besides a range of doubts concerns the GMOs foods safety to eat ?

* Decreased nutritional value. Fresh-looking, brightly coloured GMOs foods may actually become  weeks old before it smell and taste as rotten, with compromised nutritional value.


* Toxicity. The GMOs could result in "increased levels of  not previously identified toxicants, (and) sometimes present an increased capability of concentrating toxic substances from the environment (e.g., pesticides or heavy metals)."

* Allergic reactions. GMOs  foods can increase the risk of allergic reactions by transferring allergens from one food to another – and we need to know if  additionally, genetic engineering could actually be creating new allergic responses.

* Resistance to antibiotics. Nearly all GMO’s foods contain "antibiotic resistance markers" which confirm that new genetic material has been transferred to the host organism. If these antibiotic marker genes are introduced

Irreversible bio-pollution cannot be called back. Bio-pollution moves, it mutates and it multiplies." Potential results gives today a large uncertainty !!!!

An irreparably alteration of nature can be breed ;  out-of-control food supply, super weeds, super bugs, malformations in animals and other life, the loss of the world's land race crops and the loss of the world's natural biodiversity since  we do not know what happen in the next future. .

Therefore the  “Precaution  principle “ based on measurements and  laws are necessary till that those problems will be clarified within an understandable certainty !!!!.

What foods are genetically engineered ?

Sincerely a  great quantity  The most common: cotton, corn, soybeans, canola, potatoes, tomatoes, papaya and corn etc…etc.. Additionally, milk and dairy products and beef may contain genetically engineered hormones etc….etc .  .One other problem  is that in most cases, you can't know if you eat GMO’s or not. .

Since no labelling is required and now the European Laws recently request a clear labelling of GMO’s food

The lack of segregation and labelling of GMOs foods, and the liberal introduction of so many genetically altered foods into the market, is leaving consumers unable to make their own decisions seriously limiting the citizen’s freedom of choice

Crops are genetically altered to develop certain characteristics, like resistance to insects and grubs etc.., faster growing times, greater drought tolerance and larger yields –certainly  meaning greater profits , … but the profit motivation securely cannot  overcome the freedom and the responsible choice of consumers.




Better Nutrition:

List of useful terms :

Genetic Engineering Glossary:

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