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Reg. Tribunale Lecce n. 662 del 01.07.1997
Direttore responsabile: Dario Cillo


“Hydrogen Bond and Informational Coherence”
Understanding and exploiting  O..H  Hydrogen bond activation in water clusters.

By : Paolo Manzelli LRE@UNIFI.IT

Congress on “Coherence in Matter Entanglement” -Roma 06 May/2005

Abstract : Water Clusters are  composed by dynamic generation of groups of water molecules  co-organised in some coherent micro-drop structures, through the aggregation of different geometrical types and dimensions of bonding approaches as well as , Ionic ,Van der Walls, Dipolar interaction and H-Bond. The H-Bond that will becoming co-ordinated through a virtual “H-Ph.” pulse generation  giving informational coherence.  The non linear nature  of this complex multi-chemical bonding dynamical networking of water molecules , obtained by rapidly fluctuating and interchanging configurations of coherent micro-drops, explains  how the unique properties of water contribute to the occurrence of the phenomena of  life.


        The importance of  influence of the  co-organization of water clusters,  including hydrogen bonding dynamic creation, is great for all living system . Hence would be promising any tentative  of understanding H20 coherently co-operative clusters dynamic, that can be useful to explain how water can work as a catalytic systems that highlights the potential of bio-chemistry in living matter.

Water  can generate a series of intra-molecular interactions responsible of the strange properties of water because the “micro-coherent clustering” can be seen as a resonance cavity of a series of specific low frequency oscillations, generated by the H-Bond dynamic configuration. Resonance’s  effect , is able to communicate and transmit frequency ‘s information from one bio-molecule to another in all living water-systems.

The resonance effect occurs when two neighbouring water molecules incorporated in the micro-drops clustering, are moving one against to the other, so that the asymmetric stretching of one Hydrogen strongly interact with  the electron pair of the oxygen of another molecule. In these case the effect of a very short range electron repulsion, between electron pair valence shells, and with  the one electron of the Hydrogen of other H2O molecule , interacts in a way that the electrons pair of the oxygen molecule strongly repel the other electron , toward a limit where one nucleus of hydrogen ( N) remain for a short time uncovered by the electronic orbital. (see following figures)

Basic modes of vibration for H2O

      . .          . .         . .

       O            O           O

      / \          / \         / \

     /   \        /   \       H   \

    H     H     HH     HH    H     H

   H       H                        H


  symmetric     bending     assymmetric

 stretching                 stretching

     v1            v2            v3



 V = Water Molecules ; (oo) = Electron Pairs ; 

1) Van Der Walls Intramolecular Interactions;

            2) Dipole Dipole multiple interactions ;

3) (+..oo) = H….Bond  interactive forces

4)  N/2e-- = Hydrogen Nucleus (NH) à Phantom Atom ( H 2--  ) virtual generation.


In fact the electron repulsion in a first phase is getting the effect of exciting  the molecular orbital of the neighboured “hydrated hydrogen”  generating the ionization responsible of the ionic H-Bond,  while in a second phase  the coming on  uncovered Nucleus ( N)  will be capable to change  drastically the repulsive in attractive behaviour, this because the ( N) attracts in the opposite direction the pair of electrons on hydrated oxygen of the other water molecule changing the nature of H-Bond interactivity.

Hence tacking a quick look at the double face scenario of interactive dynamics of Hydrogen Bonds generation, it will be possible to can distinguish a competitive reactivity, wherefrom the one hand the repulsion to upper level of quantum jumping  that generate the ionization of the H-Bond , and from the other hand the H-Bond pattern will be in antagonism with  the (N) attractive reaction  that works for capturing two unpaired hydrated electrons delocalised near to the oxygen of another water molecules, getting a not illogical probability of  new  Hydrogen ( H2-- ) - virtual generation  of a “Phantom Hydrogen Atom” (H.Ph.)

Fluctuation studies on the effects of refraction in non-equilibrium relaxation energy pathways following the rupture of H-Bond  and the substitution by the attractive nuclear potential in enhancing reaction cross sections at moderately low energies are very complexes however evidently this interaction implicates too weak forces that are not be able to produce effectively a new ( H 2-- ) phantom atom,  but only can be admitted the generation of the virtual (H.Ph.). In any case the virtual production of ( H.Ph.)  generates a periodical-pulse of energy redistribution into the networking multiple bonds micro-clustering drops of liquid water . Therefore the virtual production of (H-Ph.) virtual Atom it is not  outside of physical effects.  These “periodical-pulse” effects are embodied in the quantum probability effects coming from quantum  tunnelling dynamics.

Certainly the oscillating pulse signal within a quantum tunnelling period modulation  is  non allowed in a simple semi-classical expression of molecular orbital calculations, normally calculated  in the context of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, where is  considered only the electrons interaction  working in a nuclear constant nuclear potential of fixed nuclei.

As a mater of facts considering the quantum tunnelling effect it will be possible to simulate how much the distance of interaction between water molecules can be variable in a way that  the electronic cloud of each water molecule can move forcing repulsion till that  it will be no unacceptable the probability that  one Hydrogen nucleus (N ) is becoming out of the cover of the molecular electron cloud, and therefore is possible to understand the effectiveness of very short oscillating timing sparks production in a coherent structure of water micro-drops.

Therefore involving a quantum tunnelling dynamics, in the competition between donor and acceptor of unpaired electrons collocated on the oxygen , it will be possible to understand how much the nuclei of molecular hydrogen involved in H-bond dynamical generation can exist as an uncovered hydrogen nucleus (NH ) and the successive calculated probability indicate  the timing effect of “ periodical-pulses” that  can happen in 50/ 100  femto-seconds more or less, i.e.  than 1/10 millionth of a millionth of a second....more than an order of magnitude faster than any other liquid , so that those consideration can explain for instance the very high entropy of water observed near to the absolute zero temperature.

Knowing the above effects  it is possible to imagine the quantum weakening of energy barrier by means opening a continuous tunnelling channel within a short lifetime of existence ; in this case one may expect  the before indicated activity based on a double competitive reaction acting in femto-second of timing. (= 10 -15   Seconds ).  The oscillating opening  of this channel works as well as a  “waveguide of informational pulses ”, that  routinely it is not taken in consideration , although is not be seen as a  forbidden virtual transition effectively generating resonance effect of energy pulses during a twining-reaction happening in a open energy and matter system of transformation.

“H-Ph.”  Virtual covalent bond of “Phantom H-atom” creation

H+…(1e-) Bond =  NH..(2e--)  = ( H 2-- ) + low frequency energy pulses

In conclusion the growing of periodically oscillating relationship among hydrolytic bonded  Nand 2eunpaired hydrated electrons  , produces an catalytic effect of the “intra-molecular condensate matter of  water micro-clusters” by the way of the generation of informational pulses sourced in a time spark of phonons during the vibrational regeneration happening in a ultra-fast range of about 50 //100  femto-seconds.

This kind of interstitial H-bond dynamics is quite similar to the periodic activation of some semi-conducting metallic bond quantum channels, ( generating in the range of pico-seconds,  (= 10 -12   Seconds ) some sparks of free carriers excitons ), therefore also  this comparison,  will ultimately allow to exploit the nature of the strange properties of water and can be useful to understand more efficiently and cleanly  the catalytic informational resources of water in bio-chemical systems .

Besides utilising  this model we can make use of a time-varying low magnetic field near a flash -back resonance to reinforce the coherent coupling between bonding NH nucleus  and double “insecure and unstable ” unpaired electrons, that normally are delocalised on the oxygen of water molecules. Therefore this effect of tunnelling driven dynamics would be useful in the context of experimental research on “Cold Fusion” , where the incoming cases of success can indicate that will be possible to create a quantum superposition of Phantom atoms in a trapping coherent state of water drop-clusters, determining  an chemically assisted nuclear reactions in water environment.


- Certainly an embarrassing situations  in this field of interpretation of the pulses effects of H-Bond dynamics in water micro-drops clustering is a consequence of the computational complexity.

In fact although the coherence properties of such condensation H-Bond water’s clustering  have not hitherto been probed with complete scientific satisfaction, in any case the prospect of creating a superposition condensation in a  dynamic regeneration of bonding nucleus and electronic unpaired in water molecule has also open a new theoretical work that anyway is very difficult due to the complexity of  the mathematical interpretation of action occurred between electromagnetic orbitals an the complex nucleus structure, that need to work  out of side of the Born Oppenheimer approximation;   so that  because such  high complexity till now do not made possible to calculate the  rich diversity of interaction in molecular systems between the nuclear forces and electromagnetism in a condensed matter hypothesis.  

In spite of this difficulty , molecular H-bond dynamics  can be understood not only by an intuitive understanding of the case where need to take in consideration the breaking of the asymmetric electron // nuclei bonding structure, that in our case happen when unpaired electrons can be captured a very short distance by generating a quantum-spectrum of positively charged nucleus.

Any way it is possible to simulate a double reaction antagonist activity studying what affects the equilibrium dynamics coming from “bonded  //not bonded” Phantom atoms, virtually created by the interaction of a nuclear hydrated hydrogen and the unpaired electrons of hydrated oxygen on neighbouring water molecules .

Following this mode of reasoning it will made possible define the generation of a “Phantom of Hydrogen Atom” through an instantaneous disjoining of the ordinary divergence of energy symmetry of the four fundamental physical forces.

At closing stages in this short paper we can support and carry on a deeper study that would take in consideration, how the non-linear electromagnetic bonding  nucleus (NH ) can interacts with two unpaired molecular bonded electrons in the reaction equilibrium between < H3O+ and OH - = 2 H2O > in a way that is becoming  responsible for both chemical multiple bonding dynamical system  <H-Bond = H.Ph. >,  both generating a phonons sparking information diffused by a semi-closed networking cluster, belonging to coherent structure of micro-activated drops spreading in the water bulk .

The dynamics of such water- clustering into some coherent micro-drops, probably can be organised into a hierarchy based on  external multiple bonding interactions, that can see as well as a series of Chinese boxes where the Vand Der Walls and Dipole-Dipole interactions are situated at the external dimension of any coherent micro-drop, that contains at  the centre the <H-Bond = H.Ph. > interactive dynamics with at the core the (NH-2e) pulses sparking  interaction, generated through the virtual temporary production H-phantom, theoretically achieved by means  the application of the uncertainty –tunnelling quantum effect.  

This complex timing coherent composition of sparking phonon- pulses , experimentally can be seen as a effective effect in the  non-periodic reactions (CLOCK-REACTIONS),  and also will  be useful in future to get a model for exploring the conditions underlying the unification of electro-molecular  and nuclear properties that  lead to the understanding of catalytic informational development of higher-order molecular living structures.

Thinking in similar way  the Prof. Giorgio Piccardi Director of the Chemical Physics Institute of the University of Florence, during the  years between (1960-1970) considers some experiments to demonstrate the existence of  a clustering mixture of virtual atomic and molecular states, that can be  reorganized and probed by forcing by means stimulating the dynamics of growing up of water “micro- drops” through impulsive changes of the low frequency electromagnetic field, hoping in this way to activate a better  coherent oscillations in the number of virtual sparking channel, if they effectively can exists in the water micro-drops condensates.

Therefore  Prof. Giorgio Piccardi trays to demonstrate the possibility of such water activation (* ) (“ACQUA ATTIVATA” see in Italian language the remembrance of Prof.Giuseppe Loglio ( Appendix- 1.) , and also the short abstract (Appendix -2.) about the original works of Professor Piccardi, given by Prof. Maria Grazia Costa, about  some  methods of water activation experimented in the Chemical Physics Institute of the University of Florence .

Piccardi was   thinking to trigger a coherent hierarchy of water clustering favouring the building up of these coherent instantaneous drops  facilitating the  structuring of a multiple bonding approach containing external weak bonding interactions that close in a series of Chinese boxes the Dipole-Dipole interactions and finally the H..Bond dynamics , that enclose in the core the (NH-2e) sparking interaction of H-phantom uncertainty generation .

At last I would like to remember that speaking personally with Prof. Piccardi  some years ago I tray to develop the idea that this complex coherent composition of micro-drops in water, because their effects  can be seen as a effective result in the non-periodic oscillating reactions, and I tray to give an explanation about  the conditions underlying the unification of electromagnetism with the nuclear forces has resulted in an anomalous perturbation of the periodicity of orbital properties and lead to the development of higher-order molecular structures.  As a matter of facts it is easy to see an experimental evidence  of energy pulses effects because they can be seen at work during the  Beloushov-Zhabotinskii type reaction where giving rise to three-dimensional channel’s waves generated by periodical low frequency pulses 

Beloushov-Zhabotinskii type reaction giving rise to three-dimensional channel’s waves

Those reativity’s patterns in water solution are central to biochemistry because they result in powerful information catalysts behaviour, that seems generated by timing sparks which can direct the path of the reaction dynamics, since of the generation of local activating sites globally potentiated through the modulation of intermolecular H-hydrogen dynamics of virtual bonding associations.

In any case the Understanding and exploiting Hydrogen bond dynamics activation in water clusters is today a open question,  but due to the importance of water clustering in the most biochemical reactions , the described approach and experimentations of activated water made by Giorgio Piccardi with electro-magnetic fields at low and very low frequencies , can be usefully taken in consideration in the next future also starting from  these theoretical considerations and personal remembrances.

Appendix 1.

(“ACQUA ATTIVATA” see  Italian language the following remembrance of Prof.Giuseppe Loglio , about one  method of water activation made by Prof. Giorgio Piccardi )

Prof. Giuseppe Loglio

Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Florence

Descrizione della procedura di "attivazione dell'acqua" come io la vidi compiere dal Prof. Giorgio Piccardi negli  anni sessanta.


1.- Descrizione dello "strumento" utilizzato per la attivazione dell'acqua. Lo strumento era costituito da un palloncino di vetro pyrex, di volume di 100 - 150 centimetri cubi, in cui era stato estratta l'aria con una pompa a vuoto. Il palloncino conteneva una piccola quantita' di gas neon, aggiunto successivamente alla estrazione dell'aria. Dentro il palloncino era stata anche immessa una goccia di mercurio (circa 0.2 centimetri cubi) e infine il collo del palloncino era stato chiuso alla fiamma. Un secondo palloncino, identico al precedente ma senza la goccia di mercurio, era utilizzato come strumento di confronto differenziale.


2.- Procedura di attivazione.

( See also: “ Measurement of noise emission from mercury balls” –Nature Vol.205, Feb.(6),1965)


I due palloncini venivano presi, uno per mano, utilizzando il collo come manico da tenere con le dita. Muovendo i palloncini contemporaneamente con un movimento circolatorio dei polsi, si metteva in rotazione la goccia di mercurio, presente in uno di essi, lungo il diametro maggiore del palloncino. In questa condizione, si osservano lampi di luce all'interno del palloncino con il mercurio, generati dal gas neon per effetto della rotazione della goccia di mercurio sulla superficie del vetro. Nel frattempo, il campione di acqua era stato suddiviso in due aliquote uguali che erano state versate in due larghi recipienti piu' larghi che profondi (due bacinelle). I due palloncini ruotanti venivano lentamente abbassati fino ad immergersi nell'acqua delle bacinelle e il movimento rotatorio veniva continuato per alcuni minuti. Al termine di questa procedura, si confrontava il comportamento dell'acqua della bacinella "agitata con il palloncino con il mercurio" (acqua che veniva denotata come "acqua attivata")con il comportamento dell'acqua dell'altro palloncino (acqua di riferimento o "bianco").


3.- Esperimenti con l'acqua attivata.


Mi fu riferito che l'acqua "attivata" mostrava un comportamento diverso dall'acqua di riferimento quando essa costituiva un sistema in cui erano presenti interfacce, tra due fasi, di superficie molto estesa (ad esempio, cio' si verificava nel processo di precipitazione dell'ossicloruro di bismuto, che a volte veniva accelerata ( acqua T), e a volte veniva ritardata ; (acqua R ).


Io mi occupavo di altre cose e dunque non ebbi mai occasione di vedere esperimenti con l'acqua attivata.

Una sola cosa misurai sull'acqua attivata e cioe' la tensione superficiale. Per questa proprieta' non osservai nessuna differenza rispetto all'acqua ordinaria.


Appendix 2.

Remembering that pure water without impurity do not exist in nature , the water activation can be regarding a system of micro-drops that works as well as dielectric interface in chemical and bio-logical systems.

G. Piccardi Punblications regarding the “ACQUA ATTIVATA”.

1) “Azioni elettrostabili sull’ acqua : sopra un nuovo effetto presentato dai metalli . Archivio di Radioterapia e biofisica (1937 –V) . and also in : Gazzetta Chimica Ital. 1938,68,246)

2) “ Sulla Precipitazione dal Carbonato di Calcio da acqua Dura “Attivata” (T , o , R) e normale”. Gazzetta Chim.Ital. 1938,68,287).

3)  “Sulla Tensione superficiale dell’ acqua attivata (T)” ( Gazz. Chim.IT 1938,68,471)

4) “Sopra un Nuovo Fenomeno di natura elettrica”.  (Rend.Acc.Lincei, 1939 (6),29,84).

5) “Effetti chimici e biologici dell’ acqua attivata (T) ed ( R) “ , la Chimica e l’ Industria 1939 (a) 21, 455.

Proprieta’ e caratteristiche dell’ Acqua Attivata secondo G. Piccardi .

-          L’ attivazione  in genere permane da 1 a 4 giorni ed e’ capace di comunicarsi attraverso le pareti dei recipienti , anche metallici, od altro liquido posto all’ esterno dei recipienti medesimi ed in contatto con questo: cioe’ presenta proprieta’ analoghe a quelle del calore. Inoltre si comunica ad altri campioni anche a distanza se l’ esposizione e’ molto lunga , cio’ e confermato anche da altri autori. L’ attivazione quindi non e’ istantanea e raggiunge il massimo dopo qualche tempo ed infine permane con la distillazione del liquido o la cristallizzazione, ed ha quindi il carattere di una proprieta’ estensiva.

Effetti dell’ Acqua Attivata  secondo G.Piccardi.

-          Utilizzando acqua liquida attivata in confronto contemporaneo ad una porzione delle medesima  non attivata si notano variazioni nei seguenti fenomeni:

-          Idrolisi del Cloruro di Bismuto

-          Comportamento biologico delle Alghe ( deperiscono in acqua attivata)

-          Precipitazione (coagulazione) del tri-solfuro di Arsenico Colloidale

-          Precipitazione (coagulazione)  dei colloidi d’oro

-          Disincrostazione delle caldaie

-          Polimerizzazione del Nitrile Acrilico

-          Fermentazione del lievito di birra

-          Potenziale di superfice dell’ acqua

-          Peso Molecolare in p.toluidina (crioscopia)

-          Sovra-raffreddamento dell’ acqua

-          Potenziale di sedimentazione di polvere di quarzo

-          pH potenziometrico dell’ acqua

-          Cristallizzazione della Naftalina daToluolo

-          Reazione Biologica di Meinich

-          Saggio della cardiolipina

-          Pressione superficiale di films di acido palmitico

-          Aumento del rendimento delle resine a scambio ionico.

Final Note : 
The Activate Water was experimented by Professor G.Piccardi  as well as a catalyst of growing of Plant’s  intelligence and sensibility.


The hydrogen bonding network of neat liquid water (H2O):

Water,Hydrogen Bonding :

Hydrogen Bond Dynamics :

Physical Properties of Water:

Water Chemistry:

The most "Universal Solvent" known :

Hydrated Electrons :

Hydrogen Bond Network of Liquid Water:

Biocosmology: Cosmic Symmetry-Breaking and Molecular Evolution.

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