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Reg. Tribunale Lecce n. 662 del 01.07.1997
Direttore responsabile: Dario Cillo



Department of Chemistry  - University of Florence

Brief Description

LRE/EGO-CREANET is the acronym of the Laboratory Educational Research- University of Florence (

The Laboratory of Educational Research (LRE) has the charge (from 1985) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University in Florence (Italy) to develop partner's among University, Schools and Enterprises, with the goal to improve the relationships of development between education and new job opportunities and enterprises for improving the economy of the Knowledge Society in the contemporary scenario.

Therefore to the purpose to extend online innovative e.learning  / activity, the LRE of the University in Florence has created the International Telematics no-Profit Association International EGO-CreaNET, i.e. a virtual community of "Brain e.workers", improving the “Knowledge Society” in Science-Art & Net-economy educational fields.

Following the above strategy the LRE –EGO-CreaNET is a new public/private institution, selected among members of the transnational partnership, aiming to reinforce the development of life long training in internet, useful for developing new professions and to improve the interactive cultural and scientific on line growth.

Such activities of EGO-CreaNET/LRE was initiated during the 1997 The Group of Operational Research of EGO-CreaNET/LRE ("Global Extended Observatory on Creativity Networking), is composed by voluntary researchers of the LRE/ of the University of Florence (Italy) to which are joined various sections of regional and/or international level of the EGO-CreaNE. Such autonomous sections in Italy are in Lombardia, Veneto, Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Campania and Puglia, and in the (1999) it was constituted a first international section in Lima in the Peru.

The principal WEB-Sites of EGO-CreaNet/LRE are the following:

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