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EU CALL CITIZEN 3 – [Call Identifier: (FP6-2002-Citizens-3-Area 1.1.2)]

Dear potential partners,

Dear potential partners,

The LRE-EGO-CreaNET of the University of Florence is interested in the field of "Mental Change for improving the Knowledge Driven Economy" and participating to the following European call on "e.Government".

See :

‘Topics, instruments and deadlines for the First Call of Priority 7
‘Citizens and governance in a knowledge based society’
Research Area 1 Identifier: [FP6-2002-Citizens-3]
Closing Date(s): 10 December 2003, at 17:00 (Brussels local time)
OJ Reference: OJ C315 of 17.12.2002

Activity area(s) :

Improving the generation, distribution and use of knowledge and its impact on economic and social development. - Work Programme Code -Topics Type of Instrument
1.1.2 Knowledge dynamics and economic and societal development in Europe and its regions IP/Integrated Projects – DEAD LINE (10.12.2003)

TITLE: of the LRE-EGO-CreaNET proposal made in cooperation with TUSCANY Region Italy :

Mental change needs for integrating and strengthening the "ERA"
(ERA = European research Area) PROJECT DURATION : THREE YEARS.

Lasted some project = 3 years

Target Partner

The search for partners is regarding all the Governmental Regions in Europe and the Centers of RTD and also SME's Associations, working in all the fields regarding the needs on change in collaborative thinking aspects of Knowledge Management for the development of e.Govern and innovative entrepreneurship in the new ERA based society .

Mission Details:

  • To integrate multi-disciplinary concepts to socio-economic and ITC interactive systems including critical thinking and creative planning of e.Govern for favouring “mental changes” in contemporary developmental challenges and entrepreneurship's performances and in occupational life and also in permanent education systems ( Net-Learning) in the context of European future enlargement to the complete geographical and historical extension.
  • To model a strategy how to construct integrated knowledge and understand the impact of the Knowledge Based Management skills innovation, in a complex social, organizational entrepreneurship’s systems networking, and to use advanced RTD in all fields of community's developmental to design and improve European Knowledge Based Society.
  • Partners search - (for instance) : "Brain-Mind" neurobiology , Sociology of virtual community , ITC methodology for on the job education, SME's business innovation, Technology transfer infrastructures ( e.g. University - SME's and Commercial Cambers , "Spin -Off", Spin- Out etc...), interactive mass-media developers , electronic Editors, Knowledge management innovation Colleges.. ...and so on , all oriented to develop an down –top "e.Governance" through a strong networking collaboration with European Governmental Regions or other higher Gov. Institutions.

    No Country's restriction : Any Country

Organization Details:

Construction of a Transnational "Consortium" for improving “MENTAL CHANGE” project proposal .


the “Mental Change” Citizen –3 proposal for “e.Govern and e.entrepreneurchip innovation" would like to be developed as a sum of some National or Regional Working Plans where the components of each national/regional sub-project can belong to the similar composition integrating the followingcomponents :

a) Governmental Entities
b) Centers of Research & Development
c) SME's or Industrial Associations , Commercial Chambers
d) Mass Media and ITC firms for a large dissemination of the project proposal and results

I think the project will be an effective an opportunity to develop a Knowledge Management innovation Trans-European Consortium based on a bench marking and best practices strategy for improving MENTAL CHANGE in e.Govern oin some national or Regional Districts for a large extension of sharing e.govern innovative knowledge in the context of an Extended European Community .

Finally the main goal the project will be to understand the deep needs Of “MENTAL CHANGE” and to propose the strategies of development new entrepreneurship appropriated for growing up Extended Networking Enterprises connecting in a business-networks, University- SME's, Industries and Governmental Institutions , in a way that will be more easy to improve the KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY in an Extended Europe context.

Partner already acquired: TUSCANY REGION :

Tuscany Region Italy
Contact Person :Dr. Simone Sorbi : Director of SMEs internationalization affairs of Tuscany Region Italy. tel: +39/055/4382413
Contact Person:

Collaboration with : MONDO GIT of Italian Ministry of Research and Development
Contact person: Dr. Fulvio Obici

Nota: I would like to remember that will be effective partners of the project
MENTAL CHANGE all grouping of institutions and enterprises that will be
able to co-organize a "National // Regional // Transnational Interest Group" ( NIG//RIG//TIG ) to share in an European Extended Networking Context " Knowledge Economy" developmental ideas and actions.

As a matter of facts the MENTAL CHANGE PROGRAM will be co-organized through a collaboration among network’s communities that can be structured at territorial (National or Regional) level but also as well trans-national grouping oriented to particular RTD thematics priorities in the fields concerning the development of the future European Knowledge Driven Society.

So that I suggest that you contact your colleagues belonging to of the same nation or that will be in particulat themes of RTD , until now express to me their intention to collaborate to the development of the project idea MENTAL CHANGE and in any case I suggest to all the potential partners to tray to develop a “National Regional or also an Transnational Interest Grouping” (TIG) .

Therefore I appreciate if you can look forward a strong collaboration for innovating e.Govern strategies in Europe within the proposal to participate to the CITIZEN 3 call of FP6 Program , of the LRE-EGO-CreaNET of the Florence University and the TUSCANY REGION . (Italy) and in cooperation with MONDO GIT ( Groups of
Territorial Interest) an initiative of the the Italian Ministry of Scientific Research:

Finally I would like to tell you that I will to go in vacancies some days in AUGUST.
So that we look forward to elaborate together the more deeper approach of the Project Proposal MENTAL CHANGE in the next september.

My best regards and Cordiality's Paolo Manzelli

FIRENZE 31th JULY 2003

Direttore LRE/EGO-CreaNET Universita’ di Firenze LRE@UNIFI.IT
tel +39/055/332549 cell: +39/335/6760004.
Contact Person : Ricercatore LRE-EGO-CreaNET : Pasquale Tangi :


WEB M-Change

Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 09:48:48 +0200
From: MARTENSSON Lena <>
To: 'Paolo Manzelli' <>
Subject: RE: Search for partners PAOLO MANZELLI

Dear Mr Manzelli,

Please note that your call for partners is now announced in the "What's on" section of the IRE website

Best regards,

Lena Mårtensson

"University of Florence search for partners"
The University of Florence and the region of Tuscany are looking for partners for a project proposal to be submitted under FP6. The project will focus on the creation of an innovation culture in the emerging knowledge society. For more information, click here


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© Linda Giannini, Bruno e Carlo Nati - LRE-EGOCreaNET 2003-2004
ideazione e progettazione di Paolo Manzelli